Monday 28 May 2018

Double trouble!

Hi Again!

Bank holiday weekend means I am pushing forward with my ghurians and had another one done this afternoon! Two models in a day, TOTAL RECORD!!!!

Here he goes, along with a shot of the warband so far (hardly a warband yet, but getting there)

I feel like they are coming along nicely if I can say so myself. Maybe not my best work but certainly they are something different and personal, just as I wanted them!

Let me know


"Plain" awesome

Good morning!

In the past few weeks I have slowly been working my way through painting my warriors of the Sons of Or... Given that I am incredibly slow (as you all know) and that I am experimenting a little bit with techniques, it's taking me forever to finish them, but I hope it will be worthy in the end.
I manage to complete the first one yesterday and thought it was time for an update.

Excuse me for the bad pics where you can appreciate every single pixel of the models. As you can see I played a little bit with some textures on the model, in particular leather, using the stippling technique that I've seen used many times on other blogs with interesting effects. Though not the most enjoyable process the result on areas like the armour are surely interesting and I am quite happy with the final result in the model, which I hope shows form the pictures (difficult to photograph).
Ultimately these models are conceived with playing in mind, but although they will not be competition worthy, I am confident that as a warband they will look pretty good on the table!
The rest of the warriors are also progressing, the main bulk is done on all of them and hopefully a couple more will join this first one before the end of the week.
